

Greenhaugh Primary School is situated in the beautiful North Tyne Valley, in a very rural location and because of this we benefit from lots of outdoor space and a lovely natural surroundings for our children to explore and enjoy.
We invite the Greenhaugh locals to our Christmas play and to our Sports Day and Plant sale.  We also walk into the village as part of our Easter Bonnet parade. We make use of the Community Orchard, most recently picking apples which we made into a delicious crumble that we served to our families as part of our Harvest Festival lunch.
We work closely with our friends at Kielder school, often going on trips together and inviting them to join us when we have visitors in school.
In lessons we learn about the history and geography of our local area, from the history of lead mining at Hareshaw in Bellingham, to finding out how local farming has changed over time. Our local visits include Bellingham Heritage Centre and VARC.