
Class 1

Welcome to Class 1! In Class 1 we have children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. 
We love reading stories in Class 1 and have a daily story time, which the children vote for. We use stories in our English lessons to help us learn new vocabulary and apply these in our writing. We also use story maps to help write our own stories.
We will be using RWI to teach Set 1, 2 or 3 sounds depending on the children's assessed levels and we will use our phonics to help decode and read RWI books. Please read with your child every day and record the reading in the home/school diary. Your support in this will make a huge difference to how your child values books and reading, and will impact their learning not only in reading but in every area of the curriculum.
We ensure that our maths learning happens in all areas of our classroom as well as during our focused learning sessions. Resources are available for the children to use as and when they need. We want maths to be linked to the real world for our children and believe hands on, practical experiences help this. We continue to develop our maths talk in Class 1 and love to explain what we know and why! 
In Class 1, KS1 children are explicitly taught all curriculum areas (please see our Term overview for more details). They also have the opportunity to revisit or extend their learning through activities provided in continuous provision. Reception children have both teacher directed tasks and ample opportunities to learn through play and exploring.